How it works for you:
We offer 8, 12 and 16 week subscriptions of 1, 2 or 3 chickens per week.
Each week we will email you a short newsletter that will include a featured recipe, some farm updates and a survey asking how you would like your chicken prepared and which day of the week you plan on picking up.
At pickup we will deduct the total amount for your chicken of the week from your deposit.
As a member of our chicken club you will have exclusive priority access to our other meats, sausages and products.
Weekly options for butchered, vacuum sealed chickens:
Whole chicken plus quart of bone broth (as thanks for making our job easy!)
Butterflied/spatchcocked and brined in our lemon-thyme brine. Perfect for throwing on the grill, nearly impossible to f@#$ up.
Airline breasts, whole leg quarters and some wing flats.
8-piece chop: boneless breasts, wings, drumsticks and bone in thighs.